Thursday 17 November 2016

You hurt me, but 'I'll Pray For You' I don't hate you I just regret the path I took with you. Buena suerte

I’m torn,
between two,
mi cariño y tu
you hurt me, 
I loved the man you could never be. 
And now, 
me está matando.
usted me está matando. 
Fui una estupida, 
I believed you. 
Usted es un mentiroso.
I listened to your lies, 
Te amo- 
your biggest lie.
Me rindo contigo,
Buena suerte!
Espero que te haga feliz. 
Se acabó.
I’m moving on 
and you should too.
Que Dios te bendiga.
Que Dios esté contigo.
I’ll pray for you.

I wear "My battle" scars on my sleeves and lead my life with transparency.

Of your shit I was bound to tire My heart A victim, of a murder for hire   You I should despise But loving will be my demise.  Since you ref...