Tuesday 17 April 2018

Some see love as a blessing. Sins they say there are seven. Here is something to think about though... What if they are oblivious to love's real definition being 'The Eighth Deadly Sin'?

Constantly living in fear
Not prepared to lose
The one I hold to my heart so near

Trying so desperately
To silence the thoughts
Voices in my mind
Telling me
“Walk away”
“it’s okay”
“Leave it all behind”

I don’t want to hear it
Silencing the footsteps toward the door
Blanking the vision of a life with him no more

They were wrong
deadly sins- they say there are seven
What about that which deceives you
Making you believe you are in heaven?

What about the one that builds you up
Only to know you back down
Lights your flame
Only to drown you out
Makes you believe
Only to then deceive

What about the eighth guest
On the devil’s party list
The one after the seven deadly sins

The plus one
The date
The one who tells you
Sorry I’m running late
Only to not turn up after letting you wait

What about love?
Deadly sin number eight.

I wear "My battle" scars on my sleeves and lead my life with transparency.

Of your shit I was bound to tire My heart A victim, of a murder for hire   You I should despise But loving will be my demise.  Since you ref...