Monday 7 May 2018

The 'Day' is made up of nothing but time and funny enough so is life but for the one you claim to love you don't have time.

60 seconds in a minute
60 minutes in an hour
seconds- your hour

0 invested
for a while, it was accepted
24 hours- my day
that’s 86,400 seconds
coming your way
In a week 7 days
yet you ‘have no time’
you continue to say
But you ‘put in the effort’
strange, I’m not a part of your day

Tuesday 1 May 2018

The only way to know if something is really yours is to let it go. Give it 'Distance and Time'. If it comes back it's yours. Keep it, cherish it and never lose it. If not then it never was.

If space is what you need
tell me
and I’ll let you be
the best policy

An inch you already have
a mile you can take
but ten, ten means a break

Although say it, I no longer do
when apart
deep within all hell, breaks loose

Killing me you are
its sad, strange and
all of the above
where once you were my star

Now we live separate lives apart
despite your residence
in the centre of my heart

We’re drifting
dropping when we are meant to be lifting
dying where all else is living

This needs time
that’s not a crime
it just means the past was a waste of mine

But you know what?
It’s fine.
Maybe my feelings crossed the line.

So on a silver platter I’m serving you 
distance and time.

I wear "My battle" scars on my sleeves and lead my life with transparency.

Of your shit I was bound to tire My heart A victim, of a murder for hire   You I should despise But loving will be my demise.  Since you ref...