Sunday 22 June 2014

Shakespeare is a true inspiration and plays an imaginably grand part in my literary life- my own use of Shakespeare's language is nowhere near as grand as his but never the less for my lover I would walk land and sea so this was the least I could do- this one is called "thou art bless'd"

thither be a million and one words in this world
some larger than life
some larger than the sea
some as bawbling as can be
some smaller than mineth pinky
some smaller than me
but none art beautiful enough
non art perfecteth enough
to describeth you
thou eyes shineth bright
thou art mineth only star in this darkness devouring me
let me counteth the reasons mineth affection shines f'r you
thou heart is a landeth of beauty
thou eyes can seeth what is not in the ordinary of viability
thou beauty in the night mineth sunset
and m'rning maketh it be mineth sunrise.
thou art bless'd
this is one of many reasons wh'ref're biteth thee by the ear
thou art bless'd
thither be a million and one words in this world
some larger than life
some larger than the sea
some as bawbling as can be
some smaller than mineth pinky
some smaller than me
but none art beautiful enough
non art perfecteth enough
to describeth thee

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