Sunday 2 December 2018

It honestly gets to me more than anything else that men are shunned for suffering for depression and being depressed. It's not their fault society is just a mess. 'The Reality of Depression' and mental illness is far more sinister than to the naked eye it may appear.

They tell you it's alright.
So why does it stay over night?

It's okay.
But, it won't go away.

It's not too bad.
Okay, do you want to try?

You're over reacting.
Inside, a hell fire is burning.

It's all for attention.
it's not attention seeking, it's depression.

Go kill yourself.
Thanks for the permission. Its better than living in this cell.

Why are you so quiet?
Of life I'm just tired.

You're too loud.
Are you disturbed by me speaking out?

You're weird.
Normal is boring dear.

Your make up is a mess.
to cover my scars my entire face wears a dress.

You're poorly dressed.
Want me to apologise for being depressed?

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